Over the years, we have all had the opportunity to eat, prepare and even invent a wonderful main course or side dish that we just knew we would want to make again. The Dining Room Table is the place where you can browse our collection of recipes from family and friends.
We have some truly special family favorites that you won’t find anywhere else on the planet. Collected from some near and far relatives, we all contribute to our Dining Room Table with everyday, seasonal, and holiday recipes that will just warm your heart and belly.
As this is a work in progress, it won’t grow unless you contribute. The only requirement is that the dish or meal has been part of your / our family and been served to other members of our family. For example, our Golumpki recipe has been a staple of all of our family and we all know who made the best ones. So that was one of the ‘go-to’ meals that we enjoyed all year long and for as long as they lasted in the freezer.